Sharing my thoughts in the universe..enjoy!!!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Notes from Oprah's last show

Oprah last show notes
The lessons she learned from the show

2. She realized that people were making bad choices and blaming everyone but themselves.  You are responsible for your OWN life....I doesn't matter what your mom or dad did......what is life? Energy. We are responsible for the energy we bring to others and to ourselves. "Please take responsibility for the energy you bring into this space." all life is energy and we transfer it daily for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.  Do unto others as you want them to do unto you
All the energy you spend trying to hurt someone else comes back to you. And when you get that you are responsible for your own life everything changes. Don't wait for nobody to save you or complete you. When you are responsible for your own life and when you get that you get free.

1. Figure out your destiny and calling is in life. We all are called we must find our calling and get about the business of doing it. A calling lights you up and give you purpose. We all have a platform. The power is to forgive, heal, and change someone's life. Figure out your calling is and use it to serve the world. The purpose is in the heart of your life.

3. People sometimes don't feel worthy.  There is a different between thinking you deserve to happy and knowing that you are worthy to be happy. (Iyana Vanzant's return to the show) what she learned was that we block our blessing because we don't feel inherently good enough or smart enough or pretty enough or worthy enough. Jackie S. Whose face was melted off by a fire or a mother with young daughters who lost both of her arms and legs. Taught Oprah that you are worthy because you were born and because you are here. My being alive makes worthiness my birth right. You alone are enough. 30,000 guest has all wanted Validation everyone wants that.   Everybody wants to be heard and want to know do u see me? Do u hear me? Validate the people in your life, tell them you see them u hear them. Try with the people in your life let them know what you say matters to me.

4. Oprah says her team and Jesus helped the show last 25 years. She talks about the same God we talk about the alpha and omega. From Mississippi to Chicago she a miracle and God has been there. The still voice of God. She listens before every decision and the only time something didn't work was when she did not listen to God. God is love and God is life. It could be a whisper very quiet at first and then it grows louder and louder but pay attention to it. What are the whispers in your life right now & what is it saying to you?

6. She has no regrets about her show but she wished she coulda brought more attention to sex abuse.  She was set free when she realized it wasn't her fault that a predator prayed on her. Abuse is never the victim's fault.  

7. Connect, embrace and liberate and love somebody at least one person make them feel that they mattered. She believes in divine order and the manifestation of God. The viewers and her show has been the great love if her life. She prayed everyday before the show.  She thanked all her viewers

her final words were " To God be the glory" Amen ~tears~ new email address 

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