Sharing my thoughts in the universe..enjoy!!!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

It's what you make it

Lately I haven't been able to sleep
and I'm determine not to become addicted to sleeping pills. Last night I had a little praise session before I feel asleep for a few reasons. I almost made a huge mistake that made realize something quick, you can't take people for granted.

I have a dream and I have had it all my life and when I woke up around 5 the first thing I normally do is read my Twitter account to see how many hours I slept lol and to see what I miss. I follow a blogger name LowKey and lately he has gotten into hosting at events, he almost made me cry he always speaks about his mom & dad and I think it's a wonderful example that all young men should read. He wears his heart on his sleeve and it's rare to see a guy express his feelings to openly. He also said "Ya'll asses can feel this. Folllow ur heart. Yeah its gone be rough. Yep u gone fall on ur face but fuck it. Do it. Why not?" this got me to thinking about my dream if you came across any of my high school papers, you would see the question "Where will you be in ten years?" my answer was always something entertainment wise. When my friends have a question regarding something in entertainment they call me and nine times out of ten they say "I know you know about such and such." Writing as always been a passion of mine from songs, poems and even starting books that have never been completed. I am starting to pick up inspiration of those around me and its amazing what you learn from other people lives.

When Oprah ended her show this year I watched the entire season but what stuck with me the most was her very last show, I cried and took down some notes. People say Oprah is this or that but you can't deny her story.

I like when people live out their dreams it takes faith, patience, hard work and courage to say you know what I am going to do this. I can honestly say a lot of things came easy to me in life jobs and etc but now I am in a place where it is solely on me. I regret not finishing college and I am going back next year as a freshman it will be exciting and scary but I am up for the change. I will also write in some form everyday and expand my circle and hopefully it wil open doors for me. I truly believe that God wants to live the life we want and I know mine is suppose to be far from regular.

Peace :)

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